Cities XL Wiki


Welcome to the new Wikia page for Cities XL(tm), the upcoming online-enabled city builder from Monte Cristo. Please feel free to contribute to the Wikia and the discussion pages, we look forward to hearing more from you, the fans if City Life and Cities XL.

CitiesXL 18:23, 12 May 2008 (UTC)

Cities XL Wiki Revival[]

Hi all,

I guess the first question is, "is anybody still here?"

I'm hoping to use this wiki site as the base for a lot of game content for Cities XL, and a few other users from the official forums should be joining me here, working up to a relaunch at the same time as Cities XL 2012 is released.


Let's talk about what is to be done (I've created a page called task list - we can then discuss and agree all the work items - it could also be a great place to critique and appreciate each other's work.)


Mr-tom 21:37, September 12, 2011 (UTC)

I tried to keep it from ever fully dying. -- AzemOcram 07:45, October 23, 2011 (UTC)
Thank you for that. The work you guys put in over the past years is amazing. Mr-tom 10:54, October 23, 2011 (UTC)